Thursday, September 9, 2010

Personal Demons Giveaway!

Next week is the release date of the uber awesome PERSONAL DEMONS by Lisa Desrochers, and I'm happy to be one of the stops on her release tour! Whee! Personal Demons is hotter than hell. It's about a girl named Frannie who's stuck between a super hot angel and a super hot demon. And I'm jealous, because this is a love triangle that sizzles, peeps.

But then I realized, hey, I've got my own personal demon and angel, right? I don't need to be jealous of Frannie. Because I've got him:

I'll be your angel of love, bay-bee. Just give me a nice wet lickery kiss. And whatever you do, stay away from David Devilhoff.

And him:
I'm a hunka hunka burnin' love. Kiss ME! Don't kiss than nancy-pants Simmons angel!

If I haven't burnt your eyes out with those two pictures, you should enter the contests! Lisa's giving away some awesomesauce prize packs to celebrate Personal Demons' book birthday! In fact, you can win THIS:

I wants it! My precious!

To enter, all you have to do is leave a comment on this entry and tell me whether you'd rather kiss Richard "Angel" Simmons or David "Demon" Hasselhoff. Will the forces of good or evil win? Will any of my readers throw up in their mouth? Tune in on Friday and find out!!!

And then there are the rest of the stops on the blog tour!
Yesterday: Elana Johnson
Tomorrow: Myra McEntire
Saturday: LiLa
Sunday: Beth Revis
Monday: Andrea Cremer

But that's not all! After you've chosen who you'd like to lock lips with, make sure to go to Lisa's blog. She's got a whole week of awesome planned out, with Heaven and Hell prize packs up for grabs! Dude, I want one of these so bad. There's signed bookery, of course, but also an iPod Shuffle and all kinds of swaggery goodness. So please do stop by her site and check it out!


Giada M. said...

I would rather kiss nobody, thanks! XD They are monsters! >__<
Amazing contest BTW! :D

Tamara Hart Heiner said...

that book looks totally awesome! I want it. I'd rather not kiss either of those guys, thank you. But I will check out Lisa's give away!

Anonymous said...

Well if you turn out the lights and put a bag over their head I might give it a try. But I'd have to say the Devil made me do it.

Theresa Milstein said...

Oh no, do I have to kiss one of them?! By their photos, it would have to be Devilhoff, but in real life, it would have to be Simmons.

jen7waters said...

I'd love to enter, but even if I can't, just reading the post was worth it, because it made me laugh!

I would totally kiss Devilhoff, I would just close my eyes and imagine him in his Baywatch days (not my type of guy even back then, but hey, he saved people from drowning, that's hot xD )

So enter me please if the contest is international, thanks!

Tammy (The Book Fairy's Haven) said...

I'd have to go with Devilhoff. And I'm basing my selection purely on his curly hair. Because curly hair is hot and frizzy, puffball hair is not. I know. I know. I'm horribly rude, but it's true. That hair just doesn't do it for me.

Tricia J. O'Brien said...

My lips, my lips!!! Argh. I'll go with the demon if it's dark enough. This is one tough contest.

Jessica said...

Hilarious contest...but, yes, I think I gagged more than a little looking at those photos! Ugh....of the too, the lesser evil, oh wait not really!...would have to be "Devilhoff." Though, still, ick!

SlayerOfBees said...

What - no options for those who kiss women?!

(word verification=upcrag - it kinda goes with my statement above.)


Unknown said...

Mr. Hasselhoff!!! Yes, I know he's gross... and gross, but he was also Knightrider. That has to count for something!!!

Louisse A. said...

*Sticks finger in mouth and mutters* Devilhoff... Did you see him save Spongebob in the Spongebob movie? How hot is that? *mutters* Not at all. LOL! :)) Thanks for the giveaway! :)

Nicole Zoltack said...

Ugh, wouldn't want to kiss either. If I absolutely had to choose... Devilhoff, I guess.

Shannon O'Donnell said...

Honey, I think I would faint dead away if I had to kiss one of them! Eeeewwww! :-)

But I still wants me some good stuff! :-)

latishajean said...

I would rather not kiss any but if I have to pick just one I would have to go with Devilhoff. Fun giveaway thank you very much!

Lenny Lee said...

hi miss carrie! yuck! ish! ack! no way im kissin those guys! id rather kiss a python. ha ha.
...smiles from lenny

Anonymous said...

Can I say neither?
Okay, okay. The demon.
But I'd wash my lips right after!

Elizabeth Ryann said...

Um, I think I might have to just choose me, like Kelly Taylor, if this is the only triangle you're offering...

Keri Stevens said...

I would kiss Richard. In all seriousness--of all of the celebrity trainers (and in my day job, it's my business to know) he is the only one who seems to take on and connect well with the extremely morbidly obese. He has saved some lives in his time--so I'll pucker up. (So would @teresamedeiros, I bet-just ask her).

Mónica L. said...

If I would HAVE to choose I'd say David Devilhoff, but just because the other one is really disturbing

Unknown said...

I'm seriously freaked out by all the weird lips... I didn't realize until now that Richard Simmons and David Hasselhoff had the same lips!!!

LOL Carrie, you're hilarious! Always a treat!

Lisa Potts said...

Well, if I HAD to choose, it would be Devilhoff, but only if he wasn't eating a cheeseburger or singing at the time.

Thanks for the great giveaway!

Anonymous said...

I just caught a glimpes of the cover of your upcoming book--can I get a "holy COW!!!!" ?!
I. Love. It.
So I decided to follow you. Consider yourself officially stalked. :)
I will most definitely be adding your book and its incredible cover to my bookshelf when it comes out. Definitely.
I look forward to hearing your thoughts on the writing and publishing world. Who knows? Maybe one day when my book gets published, I can have a cover even half as delicious as yours!
Put it on Paper

Elana Johnson said...

Ha ha ha ha! Those lips are electric. :)

Val said...

I think I vomited.

YES. Quite positive I did.

However the prize sounds awesome.

truthbetold004 at gmail dot com

Alissa said...

I don't really like my choices, but I'd definitely have to go with David Hasselhoff on this one.

Raven said...

I do like Devilhoff's lipstick. :)) So, I'll go with Devilhoff. *baby-barf*
Thanks for the giveaway! :)

RaShelle Workman said...

Okay, very funny. I'd rather go to hell than kiss either of them. Okay, Hasselhoff if you twist my arm. Good always wins! and I hope none of your readers vomit in their mouths. Eeeeewwwwww. LOL

Elizabeth Kolodziej said...

David "Demon" Hasselhoff .. but i always seem to go for the bad boy types .... hehe

Tabitha Michelle said...

Yikes! If I absolutely had to choose, I'd go with Simmons. He's too fabulous to resist. :D

Hayley said...

If i HAD to choose, I go with the Hoff all the way. Kissing a demon would be so much more fun than kissing an angel, right?

Kelsey said...

Okay.. the lips really creep me out. Can I just kiss the halo or horns? :P

Thanks for the contest!

Jessica Louise said...

I would rather kiss David "Demon" Hasselhoff. Not because of looks, but because that fact that he's evil makes him all the more sexy. Something very suductive about that. Plus he nice eyes. :)
So want to read this book, please enter me. Thanks x

Kelly Polark said...

Very tough choice but I'll kiss David because he probably is holding a hamburger and I'm hoping he'll share. And then I'd trim his ear hairs. Or no make him trim his own.
BTW, I saw your man, Billy Idol last night!

lulilut said...

Oh, the huge manatee!
What a choice but I'll go with the hunka hunka Hoff-demon. :*

Julia said...

Rachel 'angel' Simmons. It's all about the hair coming out of his ears! :-) I'm so excited!!

Thank you!


K. M. Walton said...

Ew. Ew. Ew. The Devilhoff. But ew. The ear hair is freaking me out.

Natasha said...

Both are...undesirable. (That's the nicest way I could describe them..) I think I'll stick with my fiance! ha ha!

I want to read Personal Demons soooo bad! I know it's going to be amazing!


Lanae T. said...

Blech, blech, and more blech!!!

Bad, I know, but I would say Simmons Angel. Simply because I'd be afraid of Devilhoff trying to slip me some tongue! Acckkk!

Thanks for the *shivers* laughs!

ftatman5 at

Katie said...

Personally I would prefer not to kiss either one of those guys but if I had to choose it would definitely be "Devilhoff." =]

squinto said...

Okay, I actually like the look of the Devilhoff's puckered, shiny, wet lips. There's something about the colour red and the look of those horns that just gets you shuddering, you know?

Love this post. :D And I am loving this giveaway so far! Can't wait to check Personal Demons out.

Reading Inspired Writing said...

Neither are very exciting. I would have to say Richard Angel. It is probably easier to know where he's been.

Larissa said...

LOL - I have to go with Richard because at least he doesn't have hair coming out of his ears...


Carolyn V. said...

EW! Can I say neither? But I have to admit, they both look better with those hot red lips.

Unknown said...

uggggg i cringed when i looked at those pictures, though they are prety funny looking :D but if i would reaaaaally have to it would be devilhoff cuz i luuuuuuve demon luc;D love the giveaway!Thanx!
-Alejandra S

Claire Dawn said...

I must have a thing for demons, because I am way into Luc, and I'm absolutely lovin Devilhoff!

Mason Ian Bundschuh said...

Carrie, why do you scar my soul like this? Just when i think it's safe to wander your blog you go and post... THIS.

But I'll treat the question seriously, after all it is a serious matter.

After much wrangling and nausea, I submit that I'd kiss Devilhoff. Only because if I did he might let me sit in Kit. And then I'd hit the eject button. And shoot lasers, or something. And then I wouldn't feel so gay for kissing the hasslehoff.

CKHB said...

Blergh. Okay, I'll kiss angel-Simmons, but I'll be closing my eyes and thinking of him on Whose Line Is It Anyway...

Unknown said...

It's definitely the HOFF! Kiss the Hoff get your Stuff. :-p

Unknown said...

Most definitely Hassellhoff. LOL
Ashley's Bookshelf

Caitrin said...

Devil Hasselhoff is infinitely better!

A Canadian Girl said...

Lol, your post was too funny!

Jessy said...

If I had to I guess I would Choose Devilhoff.

Sherry said...

David "demon" Deviloff all the way! Not that I WANT to kiss that, but I really don't want to kiss Simmons! =P

Thanks for participating! I can't wait to read this! :)

Cassidy said...

Hey, i'll kiss them both just to win me some Personal Demons swag.

Haha my wordver is forcit kinda funny don't ya think?

Marathon said...

The few days I forget to check Lisa D.'s blog and look what happens! I'm late for the tour contest.

I'd kiss David "Demon" Hasselhoff, because he's a demon. Just like I'd kiss Luc because he's a bad boy demon. (;

Jacinda (The Reading Housewives) said...

David "Demon" Hasselhoff if I HAVE to kiss one...Richard Simmons gives me the creeps!


Natalie said...

If I had to pick, it'd be Hasselhof. But seriously....ewwww!!!!

Chloe said...

If I absolutely had to choose, Hasselhoff. But I don't want to kiss either of them!!


Lynsey Newton said...

If I was forced, it would be Hasselhoff but honesty...eww...would rather not kiss any of them! TEAM LUC!

Thanks for the giveaway.


Good Choice Reading said...

Um, definitely David "Demon" Hasselhoff. I don't think I can even go near Russell hahah

Thanks for the giveaway!

Dee @ Good Choice Reading

Kristina said...

Richard "Angel" Simmons!!!!! So hot ;)



Anonymous said...

I think I'd go with David "Demon" Hasselhoff....thanks for this awesome giveaway!

Midnight Bloom said...

*bursts out laughing*
Oh um... how could I ever choose? I think let someone else have them while I get Luc! ^.~

Jessica said...

OH WOW, nightmares are coming from seeing these pics!

Such a hard choice but I guess If I HAD would be Devilhoff!

Name: Aine said...

scary pics. can i choose neither? i think if i had to pick one, i'd be traumatized for life.

thanks for helping out with the giveaway!

Ellz said...

UG, Please dont' make me pick. I would rather kiss Lisa (her book that is).
If I really didn't have a third option, I guess DevilHoff-yuck.

Ellz said...

UG, Please dont' make me pick. I would rather kiss Lisa (her book that is).
If I really didn't have a third option, I guess DevilHoff-yuck.

Van Pham said...

I would perfer to kiss neither of them ><


Angela @ Reading Angels said...

If I don't puke all over him I guess I will go with David "Demon" Hasselhoff.
Ugh...dinner tasted much better going down than coming up!
dukesangel002 AT yahoo DOT com

Caitlin said...

iufhsiuf diufhs fsiufwej sduf fdfhfh dif diaek fi nrierne nsd!

(Translation: My eyes burned out so I can't see what I'm typing!)

I'll pass on both Angel and Demon. Is there an Ian "Vampire" Somerhalder somewhere for me to kiss? XD

Thanks so the contest! Can't wait for the release of this book!

Elzahh said...

lol love it..devilhoff is my favourite.

BTW is this contest International?

Sharli said...

Do I really have to choose one?? :S I'll kiss a PD copy if you really want me to kiss something ;)

Thanks for hosting the contest!

Anonymous said...

.....I think my eyes are permanently scarred. But then again, maybe visiting Lisa's sight and oggling the good and bad boys themselves will cure me ;)

Llehn said...

Um, Demon David?

Overlook Building said...

Yeah those picks are definitely throw up worthy. I guess if a choice had to be made it would be the demon

Nancy said...

I LOVE Contests! but gosh darnett do I have to kiss one of them. I thought I was done kissing yacktastic evil men, but If I had to choose I guess it would be Devilhoff.

Why? you might ask. Well I figure that after I kissed something so ugly, vile and disgusting that my brain would temporarily shut down and I would go into a mini coma and totally forget the incident. It would totally be a Queen of DENIAL moment.

Great contest and thank you for the opportunity.

Anonymous said...

Jesus Christ!! I would have to kiss one of them?
I would throw up in my mouth... Thank you very much! lol

Squeee, the contest is a fantastic opportunity :)

Angela McCallister said...

I could try to kiss both of them because I know I'd throw up on them before our lips ever touched, therefore making it so I don't have to kiss either one. Bleh!!! What a great contest. Glad you were on the tour so I could find you. I know I've seen your book cover somewhere before.

Lauren said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lauren said...

Is it possible to want to kiss both? No! Ok, well, I will have to kiss Devilhoff. Why? Hell just froze over. x

Jennifer Hoffine said...

I'd go for Simmons, for sure. Not only has he been more of an "angel" in helping others at least as much as his own pocketbook, I have a feeling a kiss from me wouldn't mean anything to him;)

Kai Agito said...

Goodness, I don't think I can kiss any of them. unless you put a paper bag over their heads? they're both scary!

really amazing contest you have here, I'm pretty excited!

YA Book Queen said...

Okay, that is a totally evil question because they both make me cringe :/

I guess...Devilhoff. Maybe I could trick him into kissing someone else ;)

Rain Maiden said...

It's like kissing a frog..I guess I have to go with the Hoff. Hand me the mouthwash.

Unknown said...

I would kiss them both to win some swag and ARC books!

Nadinax said...

OMG those pictures hahahahaha.

Great contest :D

Hannah S. said...

*laughs hysterically*
How about...
c) Luc

Oh yeah, babe. ;)
However, if I had to choose, I'd say David would be my pick.

Love, Hannah

Lauren M said...

Dang, tough choice. They both look pretty fab (j/k!). I guess I'll go with Demon David. If I can close my eyes.

Thanks for the giveaway!
pichipitch (at) gmail (dot) com

Emma Kate "Coops" @ Whats Cracking Coops said...

BAHAAHAHAHAHAHA...*hits the ground ROFLing for real*

Awesome post!

Mysteriousrose said...

I liked the post:-)
If I had to choose and I would have to be under a spell or something I will say Devilhoff.


SiNn said...

can i just kiss my self cause seriouly just no thats wrong really
i did how ever laugh

Val said...

Wondering how this will end? Angel or Demon? Hmmm? Valerie

Anne R. said...

Both look er but I think I'll go with the Devilhoff! Just because. xD

Please enter me if its international! <3

isabookwhore at gmail dot com

~ Joy ~ said...

Awesome contest! I was lucky enough to receive and ARC. I love it! Lisa's written an amazing book!

Kat said...

LOL, do I have to pick just one of them? ;)

Thanks for doing this!

Emilie said...

Do I really have to pick? Neither are too appealing...

The Scavenger hunt for the question is a lot of fun and the book just sounds really great.

Marta said...

I've always had a thing for good boys . . . or was it bad boys?

Malbebe said...

Umm I rather not kiss any of the two. Even though one is really funny looking I might just throw up if I HAD TO. Ew. Especially with the hair coming out of his ears. Ha!

THe Howell Family said...

Those pictures are SCARY! LOL! Congrats on being a tour stop!

Chersti Nieveen said...

Those really are awesome pics there!!

Unknown said...

Oh my! These pics are seriously creepy! :-D and the thought of going anywhere near those mouths made me want to forego dinner lol :-)

Thanks for the great contest!

stella.exlibris (at) gmail (dot) com