Friday, September 4, 2009

Haiku Reviews and a Bonus Song

I've been reading a heckload lately. That is, if a heckload is defined as about five books a week. I dunno... what the heck is a heckload?

Anyway, I'm way behind on the whole reviewing of the books thing, so here are a bunch of things that I've read lately. Any recommendations for me? Because I've got some for you...

Wow. That sounded unintentionally ominous.

The Unnameables, by Ellen Booraem
You are your Use here.
Without one, you are exiled.
I bring on the snarf!

*A brief note on this one, because the haiku doesn't really do it justice. It felt very City of Ember to me, and I adored City of Ember! This one's definitely going tops on my list for tween gifts, and it should be on yours too.

The Poyson Garden, by Karen Harper
The future queen, Bess,
Does a lot of crossdressing
To catch a bad guy

The Prophecy of the Sisters, by Michelle Zink
Twins both bad and good
Meet artifacts, prophecies
And there's a cute boy

*ANOTHER note: Who else has read this and is going crazy for the sequel? I can't wait. May die from suspense.

Dead Is the New Black, by Marlene Perez
A little Buffy,
A little bit mystery,
And a lot of fun.

Thirst No. 1, by Christopher Pike
It's a reissue
Of my junior high true love,
Bookishly speaking

Okay. That's about half of my pending reviews; I'll catch up with the rest later. In the meantime, how's about a song? Because really, any song with the word "Mesopotamish" is tops in my book. And I've seen these guys in concert. They play the vacuum cleaner; how cool is that?

Happy Friday!


Jamie Eyberg said...

They might be giants are awesome! Anytime you have a song that makes it into Tiny Toons you are good with me.

Alan W. Davidson said...

Ha! The video was great. Their sound is very early-60's, sort of Beatle-ish,but not to clean-cut.

storyqueen said...

I love your haiku reviews. Adding books to my must-read list now!


Kelly Polark said...

I would have to say that 5 books in a week is a heckload!
Dead is the New Black is an awesome title!

Stephanie Faris said...

I can barely read five books in a month. In fact, most months two books is stretching it!

Ray Veen said...

That song is pretty catchy -- now I'm gonna be humming it all day.

Mariah Irvin said...

The goat was the best part of the video.

Elana Johnson said...

I love your haiku so I can add the books to my reading list. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

I just received a signed copy of prophecy of sisters in the mail

PJ Hoover said...

OMG, Video made my day! I love TMBG! And I'd never seen this before. Thank you!

Tiny T said...

Loved the video! Hadn't seen that one before.

Larissa said...

TMBG rock! Did you know they have a children's DVD about the alphabet?

Keri Mikulski said...

Love haiku reviews. You are so creative. :)

Laura Eno said...

I'm impress by how many books you read in a week and then review them in haiku!

Kate Coombs said...

"Heckload"--my favorite new word. As in, I look around my house and wonder how I acquired such a heckload of books. The haiku reviews and Mesopotamians are also v. cool!