Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Zombie Appreciation Week

Did you know that it's Zombie Appreciation Week? I am all about this. Frankly, I think part of the reason that zombies do all that eating of brains stuff is because they aren't appreciated enough.

And we all know what makes zombies feel appreciated, don't we? That's right.

More lolzombies.


storyqueen said...

The third one is the best!

Anonymous said...

LOL! :)

Kelly Polark said...

I've never appreciated zombies so much until I started reading your blog...
Or read "The Forest of Hands and Teeth", that was pretty awesome, too.

Natalie Whipple said...

Hehe, I totally appreciate zombies. Yay!

Abby Annis said...

Too funny! Thanks for the laugh!

Ray Veen said...

So how does one observe Z.A.W.? We need your leadership on this one, Carrie.

Mariah Irvin said...

These should be called LMAO zombies.

Cate Gardner said...

Ooh, and I'm reading a zombie book (Kiss of Life) at the moment - it's as if my inner zombie knew.

Elana Johnson said...

Ha ha ha! I love the other white meat. That is hilarious! (btw, I gave you a superhero award today. ;-) I know you like that kind of stuff.)

vvb32 reads said...

LOL - great pics. thanks for joining in the zombie madness. happy zombie week!

K.C. Shaw said...

I love the "please sir" one. :)

I'm appreciating zombies all over the place today.

Anonymous said...

I seriously had no idea that I even liked zombies until I started see your lols. hehe

Anonymous said...

Okay, that sounded really weird. It should say seeing, I repeat seeing the lols!! I need an invite to dinner with the zombies because apparently my braynz have turned to mush!