Today, I'm featuring STUPID FAST by Geoff Herbach. This one is already out, so you don't need to curse my name for recommending something you can't get your hands on yet.

Fifteen-year-old Felton Reinstein has always been on the smallish side, but in his sophomore year he starts growing...and growing.
During gym one day he smokes the football jocks in a 600-yard race. Felton has never been interested in sports, but there's no doubt-he is "stupid fast." As he juggles his newfound athletic prowess, his mom's sudden depression, an annoying little brother, and his first love, he discovers a shocking secret about his past which explains why he's turning out the way he is.
Guys, this is one of the best books I've read this year.
It's probably no surprise to anyone that I'm not the hugest sports fan, unless the sport in question is roller derby or it's being played by zombies. But after reading and loving Keri Mikulski's Pretty Tough books, I thought I'd give this one a try.
And holy frijoles, was it worth every minute.
Felton sounds like a REAL GUY, which is probably a good thing, since I'm assuming that Geoff is a REAL GUY too. I feel like there are plenty of options to read about guys who are descended from (insert deity here), or guys who are (insert paranormal creature here), or guys who are (insert variety of smartassery here). But STUPID FAST stood out to me because Felton can't be easily pigeonholed. He wanted to be funny but feared that he wasn't. He was completely perplexed by how his life was spiraling out of control; he wanted things to change but couldn't find a way to make it happen. All he can do, the only thing he can control, is running. And after his mega growth spurt, he does it stupid fast.
Felton Reinstein made me cry and snort things out my nose, but not simultaneously. It was so good that after I was done reading, I gave it to my husband. He devoured it too.
So even if you're not a fan of boy books, or sports books, or books with numbers on the cover...WHATEVER. Give this one a try. If you don't like it, I'll eat my shoe.
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And, we know you MUST have your Thursday Bookanista reviews so here you go!
Veronica Rossi loves Legend
Shana Silver serves up a Maureen Johnson double feature of The Last Little Blue Envelope & The Name of the Star
Scott Tracey is awed by Anna Dressed in Blood
Bethany Wiggins howls over How to Take the Ex Out of Ex-Boyfriend
Gretchen McNeil is spellbound by Witch Eyes
Carolina Valdez Miller and Shelli Johannes-Wells are passionate about Possess
Matt Blackstone blogs From Bedside
This was one of my favorite reads from this year, hands down. The guy voice is SO good, and I love how many different storylines are going on here but they weave together seamlessly.
And yeah, even the sports were palatable to a non-sports reader.
I really enjoyed this book. Hugs Felton!!!
I adored this book. It was funny and incredibly tender. Anyone who "runs like a donkey" must read this book.
Aw, thanks so much you guys! (Felton does feel very loved, now, too!!).
Ohhh, just the review makes me think of John Green books. I always have a similar reaction to his. It sounds like a winner of a story. Great review, Carrie!
I did like this as well. I also think that your Bad Taste in Boys would be great for my guy readers-- as long as I don't show them the cover. Can not wait to see what you come up with next. Boys ask for monster books all the time, and there is so little out there.
Ms. Yingling, I absolutely understand what you mean about the cover. I recently gave it to a boy without the dust jacket, which makes it black and silver.
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